I am scheduled to speak at Microsoft Tech Ed Middle East in Dubai in March 2011. My sessions are being finalized but most likely it…
Combating Software Entrop with Design Patters and Pricnicples at Tech-Ed Middle East
Here is the slide deck from my yesterday’s presentationat TechEd. C:\Fakepath\Combating Software Entropy 2 View more presentations from Hammad Rajjoub.
Why is it important to attend my ‘Combating Software Entropy Session’ at Tech-Ed Middle East 2010
I just quickly wanted to write down a brief introduction to my ‘Combating Software Entropy‘ at Tech-Ed Middle East 2010 Session Outline: In this session…
Agile Best Practices : Refactoring
Yesterday, 10th Feb 2010, i was invited to speak at a Techies UG event, here in Dubai, UAE. I started off the discussion with defining…
Agile Best Practices : Refactoring
Yesterday, 10th Feb 2010, i was invited to speak at a Techies UG event, here in Dubai, UAE. I started off the discussion with defining…
Tech-Ed Field Kit : time to show your love :)
Are you speaking at Tech-Ed Middle East? Are you attending Tech-Ed Middle East? Would you like to come to Tech-Ed Middle East? Are you considering…
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Tech-Ed Middle East 2010 (Part 2 of X)
So here’s the second part of the Tech-Ed Middle East Series. I have some really exciting updates for all of you. Great Speakers:-In my last…
Speaking at Tech-Ed Middle East
I am glad to share this with you all that I will be speaking at this year’s edition of Tech-Ed Middle East in Dubai, UAE.…
Agile Discussion – Part 1 of X
Last week I was invited by @RolfEleveld to participate in an Agile development discussion for his user group (TechiesUG) event. It was fun sitting with…
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Tech-Ed Middle East 2010 (Part 1 of X)
So those of you who follow me on twitter already know the updates that i have been pushing through on the biggest IT event in…