Get up to date with office development on .net platform with Somasegar’s post here My personal favourite is simplification of .net’s integration with COM’s OM.…
PDC 2007 Presentation downloads
Following is a link to download all three (solo) presentations that I made during Pakistan Developer Conference last week. Download here. I will soon be…
VSTO Presentation
So as i posted earlier that I will be attending Geeks Conference as well doing a presentation on developing office clients using VSTO SE. So…
VSTO and VSTO SE compatability issues
I was working on few demos based on VSTO so that I can present them during GulfGeeks conference later this week.I am using VSTO/VSTO SE…
Gulf Geeks Conference
I will soon be working on slide deck as well code demonstrations for Gulf Geeks Conference. Scheduled for next week in Dubai, UAE. I believe…