I am pleased to announce that DotNetME Podcasts are live now !!!To start with we have published our first episode that talks about SOLID principles.…
DotNetMe Podcast ++
Hi folks, its been a while since my last post. I guess i have been a bit too busy, but no complains thats the way…
MEA DotNet Podcast # 01
Just completed the slide deck for my first Agile Developer series talk and sent it across for a review. Looking forward to the dry run…
Working on the first talk right now
I am working on the content for the first podcast series that i promised last week. The talk is going to revolve around Agile Development…
Gulf Developer Podcast Series – updated
I am extremely pleased to announce the very first ‘Microsoft.Net focused podcast series in the Gulf’. Let me give you a little bit of background…
The NextGen UG Podcast
Gosh! I forgot to put this podcast link on my blog. I met Dave & Richard of NextGenUG @ MVP summit and they did a…